The World's First "List Engine"!



 Welcome to the 2FootBoy's website. The World's First "List Engine". Don't let Big Tech track your searches. Here at the 2FootBoy you won't find any Cookies because I don't care what sites you visit. Check it here... CookieServe. You can find most of what you're looking for under the catagories that are supplied here on this site. You'll regonize a lot of the sites and some better unknown sites you may not. If you're doing research for school or just looking for a site to lose some time on, this is the place to come. The 2FootBoy is working out of Shippensburg, PA so you'll find a lot of local sites in the South Central part of the state. If you're a new student at Shippensburg University, this is a good place to start to find some answers you're looking for. If you're into Amateur Raido, you should find some interesting links on the KB3SWW page, which happens to be the 2FootBoy callsign. Each link has been checked to make sure they have the current addresses and they are safe. You may get a few Site Certificate Warnings, mostly on the Gov't sites but they are fine. Please Email me, the link is at the bottom of page, if you find a link that is questionable or if you think you have a link that would make a good addition. I hope you enjoy the new look of the 2FootBoy and Happy Searching!
Flying Saucer Image

Sign Says: "Free Saucer Ride"

SITE NEWS... News Icon

News Image
06.24 Added 4chan Bulletin Board, Health Line. Dept of Revenue, to the Handy page. I'm a HAM Operator and a Math Man not a Religeous Man but found this video called Mathematics-Reality-God quite interesting. You can find it on the Handy Page too. Fixed the 511 PA Traffic link. More to come.
06.06 Added a "Linux Crapware/Virus" section to the Computer page. Not that it's really needed but if you have doubts.
05.26 My Windoze is taking a big crap. The Log Clock is serverly damaged and the update will be delayed until I reload Windoze and the 100 programs I run. I will get some fresh links up before I "Nuke and Pave" everything.
04.26 I received an email from a Girl Scout named Brook and she thinks "Naplab's Astrophotography" would be a good addition to the Space page, and I do too! There are many good links on how to capture the night sky. KUDOs Brook! Also, I'm still adding some more "Whistles and Bells" to the KB3SWW Station Log Clock 23 program.
04.22 Added some News to the KB3SWW Station Log Clock 23 page.
03.15 Added Kdenlive to the Computer page. It's an Open Source Video Editor. Added Hammacher Schlemmer and Doggie Tips to the Handy page.
03.03 Added "Check Point Threat Map", "MultiBootUSB", "Hardware for Linux" to the Computer page.
02.23 I wrote an Excel Program called "PA Lottery Crunch". It will assist you in picking Logical Numbers for the PA Evening Games. You can find the link under POTLUCK.
01.21 Hope everyone got the new year off on the right foot!
I added PhysOrg to the Space/UFO page under the Science section. It's a Science News site. Added the KDE Store, Live Cyber Threat Map, and a "Simple, fast, secure client-side file encryption" site called "Hat.Sh" to the Computer page.
Since I live 10-miles from Pine Grove Furnace and 20-miles from Gettyburg here's an educational video of the Prison Camps in the area. You can find it on the Shippensburg page... Pine Grove Furnace/Gettysburg Prison Camps
12.27 RefDesk was removed from the Home page due to their covid propaganda. I'll let it on the Handy page until I see more misinforamtion on it!
12.06 Checkout Nasa Plus on the Space page. Do you know how many Cell Towers are near you? Find out at Antenna Search on the Radio/TV page. Added ReceiverBook to the KB3SWW page. Added Kopia Backup and Find Your Lost WiFi PW to the Computer page.
11.26 HAPPY HOLIDAYS... Added Unclaimed Property and NOAA Incident News to the Handy page. Added PA Election Returns to the Shippensburg page.

POTLUCK... Pot Icon

QUICK CAMS... Cam Icon