KB3SWW Station Log Clock 2023

My Windoze is taking a big crap. The Log Clock is serverly damaged and the update will be delayed until I reload Windoze and the 100 programs I run.

Version is in the Developement stage!
The name will change to KB3SWW Station Log Clock 2024.
It will have an "Edit" panel for the Station Id Logger, an "Edit" button for the Shortwave Logger, and "3 Alarms" for the Mega-Clock.
I'm hoping to have it done in the next couple of weeks. Be sure to check back!

Log Clock 23 Version

Version Released…
Updated Help Files.
Removed some confirmation boxes.
Auto-Saves when Exiting.
Added a Program Update Button to take you to the bottom of this page so you can check your version against the latest version.
Auto-Removes old Version and replaces with New Version when installing.
Log Files now saved in a folder called KB3SWWlogs on your C: drive.
*Any old logs can be moved from your Documents folder to the KB3SWWlogs folder.

The KB3SWW Log Clock program is for Amateur Radio Operators (HAMS) to log their contacts with a 10-Minute ID reminder.
Other programs included...
Shortwave Listener Log *NEW
Dxer's Clock
CountDown Timer

Clock Options Interface Pic The Program Options interface...

This is where you start to launch the various programs from.
The Help files are also launched from here.
Log Clock Interface Pic The KB3SWW Station ID Log interface...

Enter your Callsign, Frequency, Mode, and Contact.
The Band will set automatically when the frequency is entered.
Lookup your contact's name from the FCC website at a click of a button!
Sounds include Voice, Beeps, and Morse Code.
Save and Print your contacts too.
 Shortwave Listener's Log Interface Pic The KB3SWW Station ID Log interface...

Enter a Frequency, Station, City, Country/State, Band, Mode, and SINPO rating.
The Band will set automatically when the frequency is entered.
Edit and Delete entries.
Save and Print your contacts too.
Mega Clock Interface Pic The Mega-Clock interface...

Standard 12-24 Hour clock with Mega Numbers!
Displays your Local and the other 3 Continental US times.
Also displays Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
Now has an Hourly Chime that can be turned off and on.

DXers Clock Interface Pic The DXer's Clock interface...

Local and UTC time.
A massive set of 15 World Time Zone Clocks!
Set them anyway, anywhere you want them.
Now has a 12/24 Hour switch!
StopWatch Interface Pic The StopWatch interface...

An Over-Kill StopWatch.
Displays Stop and Split times in seperate panels.
Copy results to seperate panels.
Save and Print results.

CountDown Interface Pic The Counter Timer interface...

Just a Countdown timer.
Set it and let it run.

A little background on my programming background and the evolution of the Clock program.

I started programming in 1976, Algebra II class where we got to play on the school's computer. We had to program BASIC Language into the almost "VW Bug" size computer with a #2 pencil and a bunch of punch cards. All we could write was Math Equations and "X's and O's" for graphics and print it out on this huge printer. The school then offered a Volunteer Summer School course to advance on that programming which I took.

In the 80's I played with the VIC-20 with a whopping 20 kb of ROM and 5 kb of RAM. You hooked it to your TV and you had to have a Cassette Tape Recorder to save the programs you wrote! It was BASIC but you could "Poke" Machine Language into it to make some cool graphics.

Then it was the TI-99 with 16 mg of RAM and a 32 mg expansion cartridge, TV hookup, Tape Recorder. You would program for hours and then bump the cartridge a little and lose everything. It would take forever to save and load the programs. Then it was onto the Commodore 64 with its massive 64 kb of RAM!

In the 90's I got a hold of an IBM 8088 with a monitor, 2 mg of RAM, duel 5.25" floppies and a blazing 5 MHz processor. I had a bunch of disks you could load in and track the Space Shuttle on a crude world map. It ran DOS for the language and some crude Word I could run. Then I got a laptop with Windows 3.0 on it, pre-3.1. It had a super primitive Word processor and a Spreadsheet program. Then bigger and bigger systems came along with all the different Windows OS's. In 1997 I took a 900-hour Microsoft A+ Certification prep course. I learned some Programming in Visual Basic 6, how to write Access Databases, Excel, Word, Web Design in Word 97, and how to be a "Keyboard Cowboy" is the world of DOS. I also started playing with "Hot Dog" web designer. LOL. I started playing with Linux about this time too.

I wrote a small clock program on VB6 in computer school in 1997. On through the 2000's I keep playing with the new Visual Basics/Studios and kept building on it until this I come to this. I started revamping the program back in November 22. I think I rewrote every line of code that was in the original program.

I became an Amateur Radio Operator in 2009 and that is why I made this Logging program.
I've been a SWL for over 50 years and I added a Shortwave Logging program.

I hope you enjoy it and find some use for it even if you're not a HAM!
Please check back here for any updates.

If you find any Programming issues, Questions, or anything else please e-mail me at...

Thanks for your interest,
73 from KB3SWW...
Brad Jones

Download Here...
(Windows Only!)

Downloaded 436

*You may have to goto your download in your Download Folder
and "Right Click, Properties" and then check "Unblock" and click "Apply" to run.


Updated 05/28/24